One of the scariest things as a photographer is showing up to a completely unfamiliar location. I always make sure I scout locations so I know exactly where to take my clients. And it’s all about light. Where is the best light so we can get the best shots? Because light is what makes a photo beautiful. Of course it’s the people in it, but if it’s not lit well, their beauty is not able to be revealed as it should be. But since we were out of town, scouting out this beautiful sunflower field was not an option. My sister-in-law wanted her family’s session taken here, and I was so excited about the idea of it. But we showed up and there was a massive amount of people. Insert sweaty photographer. So I took off to search for the perfect light, away from all the people. And we found it! I stopped sweating, (well, not really because it was about 90 degrees), but I emotionally stopped sweating. We found the spot, and so began our session. Enjoy this beautiful family (I’m partial, I know.) We got the blooming sunflowers, beautiful light and some awesome moments.
Being Zombies – something they had practiced already. When Dad said, “Let’s be Zombies!”, he knew exactly what to do!
Sep 11, 2018
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