Doing photo sessions with families you have a history with are always so fun. If you asked me who I think the wisest woman is, the person I’d go to if I needed advice and needed help processing something because she’s authentic, smart, intuitive and just plain WISE, it would be this girl right here. Hands down. I have gleaned from her over the last 20 years, and I am so thankful for her in my life. She was there the day I got engaged, she’s unofficially coached me in ministry and in life over the years, our families have spent summers together in Virginia Beach and Colorado with Cru, (and they’re both some of my favorite summers for different reasons). And he is one of the most sincere, genuine guys I have every met. Their whole family has my heart.
Sweet guy was sad, but after given a gummy bear, he was all joy! This smile makes my heart melt because I know it’s authentic and real. Gummy Bears work magic.
So beautiful!
Catching him jumping when he didn’t know I was watching.
Big sister is adored by all. And she is so sweet with her little brothers.
Yes, he’s holding dental floss. Capturing moments like these are priceless. Mom and Dad will always remember the phase when he carried multiple boxes of dental floss. For a moment, dental floss is the most exciting and comforting thing.
Did you notice him sticking out his tongue at his two oder brothers. He knows exactly what he’s doing and what he can get away with. He is the youngest, but boy, is he mighty!
Love this family!
Aug 28, 2018
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